Save the Date—July 23, 3-7 pm


Saturday July 23, 3-7 p.m.
Celebrate the imminent opening of Harbor City School, and help us get through the toughest part of the process! Please join us with your families for a fundraiser/party on the roofdeck of Porter 156 for fabulous skyline views, refreshments, face painting and live music from the fabulous “garage-country” favorites, Hillbilly Holiday. You’ll have a chance to win some incredible things in silent auction form, including two roundtrip tickets from JetBlue—choose from more than 60 destinations in the continental U.S., Bermuda, Mexico, the Caribbean and Latin America, and enjoy. Suggested admission donation of $10 – $20 per adult.

Also, please visit to nominate “Harbor City School Library” as your favorite library giving us a chance to win a $10,000 collection of Random House Children’s Books! You’ll also be registering for a chance to WIN a JetBlue Getaways family vacation to Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas!