Minding Our Ps



The Tugboats enjoyed a perfect palate of p-projects today!  We had popcorn for snack, paraded around the block in search of p-words (including the new poles being placed in the pit down the block!), and worked together to solve puzzles during free play.  During project time, however, we may have outdone ourselves.  We made pizza!

We divided the children into 3 groups and each table made their own pizza with the help of a grown-up.  They began by rolling out a ball of pizza dough onto a floured baking sheet.  Everyone took turns rolling across the dough 5 times, spreading the dough into a nice pizza shape.  After a few rounds, we determined that the best way to get the crust we were looking for was to unleash Fists of Fury!  We pounded and pummeled until the crust was just right, then added spoonfuls of sauce.  The children noted that spreading the sauce was a lot like painting.  We used the spoon as a brush and if we were too vigorous with the spoon, we made a huge mess!  After the sauce, we sprinkled tiny handfuls of cheese, imagining that it was the snow we just haven’t gotten enough of yet!  We had a few optional toppings, including pineapple and olives.  The Tugboats who wanted toppings applied them to their section of pizza, while others left their section plain.  Kristy, our chef in shining armor, scooped up our finished products, rushed home to bake them and returned them looking golden and delicious!  We sent slices home with our half-day friends and the rest of us will enjoy our slices at afternoon snack.  What a treat!