Dotting Our Ds



For today’s D-themed activity, we decorated our Ds with dots!  Designed by curriculum team member Kristy, the children were each given a large capital letter D cut from white construction paper.  Each child was given a page of colored dot stickers and the freedom to decorate their Ds any way they chose.

It was a big hit!  The act of pulling the stickers from the page was an excellent practice for strengthening fine motor skills, a challenge for many 3-year-olds.  They also had the opportunity to express their personal choosing skills by opting for specific colors and patterns of dot placements.  Some children focused heavily on one or two colors while others used a variety.  Many children decorated the front and back of their Ds!

Once the dotted Ds were completed, the children had the option of trying the connect-the-dot activity.  Each week, Peter has been experimenting with new ways to demonstrate the letter writing.  This week, he made each “dot” a different shape and color, following the order of colors we use on our classroom calendar.  We are really seeing some remarkable growth in the children’s letter formation, even over 4 short weeks.  It’s as exciting for us as it is for them!